Monday, September 12, 2005


Today is blah. The weather is blah - more importantly the work day is blah.

No work for anyone. We're all bored as hell. It's going on 3 months now that we've had no incoming work to speak of.

Because of my lack of work I'm starting to get ansty. As you can see by the previous post I'm not exactly feeling the whole 'work' thing right now. I'd rather be home baking cakes.

If it were just a lack of work I probably wouldn't be feeling so much like this, instead I have the added bonus of the old curmudgeony ass-hole treating me like a child and yelling at me. Yes, that was quite pleasant I must say.

Mr.M is gone in Vegas for 5 days and I don't envy him in the slightest. At least I get to come home after my hell day and sleep in my own bed. He'll be back Thursday night and as a treat for him I'm going to surprise him with freshly cleaned carpets and an impeccably clean house.

We've been living in filth ever since the kitchen remodel started 2 months ago. Cardboard everywhere, cat hair, carpet stains (from spills), and clutter MY GOD the clutter. We've stuck things in every nook and cranny we can find. It's time to do go through and just throw everything away. Hopefully Mr. M will appreciate my hard work and MONEY spent. I'm really doing it so we can clear out our lives and get back to living like normal people.

I think this kitchen chaos and the mess in the house is making us a bit resentful of eachother. We got in a HUGE fight in Home Depot the other day. Which, by the way, I think their should be some sort of disclaimer on the door of that place warning people that all who enter will inevitably swear at their spouse before leaving. I'm hoping that the cleaning of the house will be a bit more symbolic in that I'm cleaning out our life and our relationship getting rid of all the crap that messes everything up.

Enough rambling - I'm gonna get back to what I was doing (i.e. google searching for bakery jobs)


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