Monday, June 05, 2006

2006 Weight Loss Challenge

Mr. M and I are embarking on a new lifestyle for the next 3 months.

The 2006 Couples Weight Loss Challenge!

We're playing against his friend Homer and Homer's girlfriend.

Combined weight of Mr.M and I - 327 lbs.

Combined weight of HOmer and his girlfriend - 378 lbs.

Whichever couple loses the most percentage of weight wins. The winner gets a free trip to the losers city.

Lucky for us - Homer and his girlfriend live in Las Vegas! YAY!

And we're totally going to win because we called them lastnight and asked what was for dinner, they said they were having Pad Thai. MUUUHAHAHAHA.

I'm eating 22 weightwatcher points a day and they're binging on Pad Thai - SUCKERS!

It's been a rough first week - I've been absolutely starving. HOwever I believe that I will lose about 25 pounds in 3 months at the rate I'm going.

WIsh me luck - and pass the candy bars. mmmmmmm


At 7:55 PM, Blogger katiebird said...

Good Luck. I've lost a lot of weight this year (I talk about it at my blog all the time.) It's tough to do. I don't know if I could take 3 months straight of starving.

I'm luck to hold out till dinner time!


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