Sunday, March 13, 2005

Smoke One For The Kids

Last night I volunteered for Mr. M's big fundraiser of the year that he and his cigar buddies put on. It was for the Make A Wish Foundation.

Don't you think it's a bit ironic that they are actioning off cigars and smoking like fiends for the Make A Wish Foundation?? I did.

So, this year I decided to donate my time for the cause.

I was a bit concerned because it is held at Mr. M's place of employement (which is where I used to work). I dealt cards and he was the boss. Sooooo this makes for a bit of anxiety when I go back. Most of the people who work there still don't know exactly what happened to me. So when they see me ... they do a double take then they say.. "OH MY GOOOD.. where have you been". Some people haven't even noticed that I don't work there anymore.

The other source of anxiety is that Mr. M's ex works there. If it would have been an event during the day I wouldn't have seen her. But since she works swing shift the chances of me running into her were high.

I did see her. Walked past her about a zillion times when I was running around trying to get set up for the event to start. I think it is so weird how I build up the ex in my mind but to other people, she's nothin hot. I suppose that's my insecurity.

It ended up being not nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I baked a TON of cookies and they were a hit. The ex didn't ever make an appearance.

I think they raised 15K.


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